Counseling & Support
A sense of belonging and trust are important to wellness in any community. We offer a variety of communities and support mechanisms both virtually and within our health systems.
Individual Counseling
Peer Support
Sometimes the best support is that of someone who shares a similar lived experience in healthcare. UT Southwestern and our partner institutions, provide both group and individual peer support when you need a listening ear to process the emotional experience of academic medicine.
C.A.L.M. Peer to Peer Support
Volunteer faculty and advanced practice provider trained peer supporters offer individual support when work feels emotionally overwhelming.
Navigating Our Multifaceted Acute Distress (NOMAD)
NOMAD provides a safe forum to help alleviate the harmful effects of morally distressing clinical situations in the pursuit of a healthy work environment for UT Southwestern employees. This initiative is intended to help minimize burnout, increase staff retention, and improve job satisfaction and the quality of patient care.
Supporting PARKland Staff (SPARKS)
The SPARKS team provides Parkland Health & Hospital System employees who have experienced a stressful, patient-related incident with confidential peer-to-peer support. An adverse patient event, such as a medical error, escalation to a higher level of care, or death, can have profound impact on care providers, any of whom may become a "second victim" of the situation.
How can SPARKS help?
All employees, supervisors and colleagues are encouraged to contact the SPARKS team after any traumatic patient event. It’s critical to get timely support after such events. Peer support gives employees a safe space to talk about troubling situations. Recipients report that such support reduced feelings of anxiety and blame and helped them recuperate more quickly. The SPARKS team can also help identify other available resources. Call (214) 590-1878 or page SPARKS through Parkland web on-call.
Children’s RISE Program
Children's Research/Resilience Integrated Ethics Staff Support Ethics Education (RISE) program supports faculty and staff that work at Children’s by providing consults for moral distress, caregiver grief, and/or conflict engagement/ transformation, conflict management training, ethics-oriented journal clubs, facilitated case discussion focused on ethical issues, and ethics presentations.
Virtual Support
Facebook Private Groups
Faculty Lounge
The Faculty Lounge is a weekly virtual lunch with other faculty and special guest faculty to share their experience at UT Southwestern.