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Sleep: The real Fountain of Youth | Aging | Mental Health | Prevention | UT Southwestern Medical Center

Whether we like it or not, sleep patterns change as we age and consistently poor sleep can lead to larger health problems. UT Southwestern offers practical solutions on how you can get a better night's sleep and feel more vibrant because of it

6 in-home toxins to avoid during pregnancy | Your Pregnancy Matters | UT Southwestern Medical Center

Common household products contain chemicals that can be harmful to babies when exposed during pregnancy. In this Your Pregnancy Matters blog, UT Southwestern discusses how expectant moms can decrease in-home toxin exposure to their babies

Finding cancer support to ease the burdens | Cancer | UT Southwestern Medical Center

Proper cancer support can help you or a loved one take on the challenges of cancer. Learn how we can help you ease your stress, from financial to emotional

Genetic testing for breast cancer could benefit more women | Cancer | Women's Health | UT Southwestern Medical Center

Breast and ovarian cancer survivors and women from certain ethnic backgrounds should be evaluated for possible BRCA-related screening, according to new guidelines

Robotic bariatric surgery: A new weapon in the fight against obesity | Diet and Nutrition | Digestive | UT Southwestern Medical Center

Weight-loss surgery has evolved dramatically in the last 20 years, and now the newest weapon in the fight against obesity is available at UT Southwestern: Robotic bariatric surgery. Learn about the advantages of the new technology from UT Southwestern in this week’s MedBlog

Kids’ food allergies can affect the GI tract: Symptoms parents should know | Diet and Nutrition | Digestive | Pediatrics | UT Southwestern Medical Center

Pediatric food allergies are rising in the U.S., and so is awareness about food-related GI symptoms such as diarrhea and cramping. In this MedBlog, find symptoms parents should look for and learn about a rare condition that is associated with food allergies. Read more

‘Can’t get pregnant’ vs. ‘shouldn’t get pregnant’: Know the difference | Your Pregnancy Matters | UT Southwestern Medical Center

Women with chronic health conditions may sometimes be told that they can’t get pregnant. Their doctor may actually mean she shouldn’t get pregnant— at least not until her medical condition is optimized

Can bumping my pregnant belly hurt the baby? | Your Pregnancy Matters | UT Southwestern Medical Center

During pregnancy, bumping the belly during daily activities is inevitable. The baby is well protected in the womb, but there are guidelines women should follow to protect the baby. Find out what’s safe, what’s not, and when to call the doctor in this week’s Your Pregnancy Matters blog

Why the location of back pain is only part of the diagnosis | Back and Spine | Prevention | UT Southwestern Medical Center

We often think of spine pain in terms of neck pain, upper back pain, or lower back pain. But there’s much more beyond the location that matters. UT Southwestern discusses several other important factors to consider, as well as how to avoid recurrent back pain

What causes GI issues in teens – and how to get them to talk about it | Diet and Nutrition | Digestive | Mental Health | Pediatrics | UT Southwestern Medical Center

For some students, heading back to school sparks excitement. For others, it's a source of new or worsening gastrointestinal pain. In this week’s MedBlog, UT Southwestern discusses why school stress can provoke GI issues and how to treat them