Science of Medicine - Obesity 2010-2011
2010‐2011 SCIENCE OF MEDICINE THEME OBESITY AND METABOLISM JAY HORTON, M.D., THEME DIRECTOR Timetable for Curricular Activities Date Graduate School (DBS1) School of Health Professions (HP1) Medical School (MS1) August September October 15 *SSHP Lecture Series: Research talks by graduate students on Obesity & Metabolism November 12 SSHP Lecture Series: Case presented from the perspective of the health care team ‐ 1 December January 14
Intramural Forfeit Policies
TThhee UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeexxaass SSoouutthhwweesstteerrnn MMeeddiiccaall CCeenntteerr BBrryyaann WWiilllliiaammss,, MM..DD.. SSttuuddeenntt CCeenntteerr IInnttrraammuurraall FFoorrffeeiitt PPoolliicciieess Out of common courtesy to opponents, team captains are requested to contact the Intramural Coordinator, if he/she knows his/her team will not be able to make a game. In order to announce a forfeit, teams must be in touch with the IM
Faculty: Emergency Medicine - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
Meet the faculty of UT Southwestern's Department of Emergency Medicine.
5-on-5 Basketball Rules
BBrryyaann WWiilllliiaammss,, MM..DD.. SSttuuddeenntt CCeenntteerr 55 oonn 55 BBaasskkeettbbaallll RRuulleess II.. SSPPOORRTT IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN A) FORMAT: The tournament will consist of round robin league play followed by a single elimination tournament. All teams who have a sportsmanship rating of “B” or higher and do not forfeit in the round robin league play will advance to a single elimination tournament. B) COURT LOCATION: All games will be
Fellows: Emergency Medicine - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
Faculty Resources Employee Resources Fellows Medical Toxicology Second Year Andrea Nillas, M.D. Assistant Instructor Josue Zozaya, M.D. Assistant Instructor First Year Kathleen Chen, M.D. Assistant Instructor Austin Gay, M.D. Assistant Instructor Emergency Medical Services Shane O'Donnell, D.O. Assistant Instructor Medical Education in Emergency Medicine Monique Graf, M.D. Assistant Instructor Vivek Medepalli, M.D. Assistant Instructor Emergency & Disaster Global Health Second Year Jay Pandya
Professor: 'Just medicine depends on you'

Professor: 'Just medicine depends on you' Published on: February 05, 2020 By: Staff Reports Tags: Life @UTSW Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Share on Google Plus Share on LinkedIn Dr. Dayna Bowen Matthew delivers the keynote address during the UTSW Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Celebration. On Jan. 15, University of Virginia School of Law Professor Dr. Dayna Bowen Matthew gave the keynote address at the 33rd annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative
Alumni: Emergency Medicine - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
See some of the cities where our proud alumni continue to represent UT Southwestern throughout the nation.
Residents: Who We Are: Emergency Medicine - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
The Chief Residents welcome you to UT Southwestern’s Emergency Medicine Residency Program.
President's Town Hall 2019 - Center Times Plus, UT Southwestern

President shares what’s next for UTSW at employee town halls Published on: October 16, 2019 By: Staff Reports Tags: Life @UTSW Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Share on Google Plus Share on LinkedIn Dr. Daniel K. Podolsky speaks at the first town hall meeting of 2019. Dr. Daniel K. Podolsky , President of UT Southwestern, held three town hall meetings to share UT Southwestern’s priorities, initiatives, and challenges and provide an opportunity for employees to engage
Southwestern Medicine: 2015 Annual Review - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX
2015 Annual Review VOLUME 25 / NUMBER 1 / MARCH 2016 Southwestern Medicine is a publication of the Office of Communications, Mar- keting, and Public Affairs at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Cen- ter, a component of The University of Texas System. Copyright 2016, UT South- western Medical Center. For permission to quote or reprint any material written herein, for permission to reproduce art, or to request additional copies, please contact the Office of Communications