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Field Epidemiology Activity

Field Epidemiology: Investigation of an Unknown Disease Suggestions for Teachers Purpose Through the use of a real-life example, this activity will expose students to some of the techniques used in field epidemiology studies. It could be used as a discussion activity with middle school students or “regular” biology, or as an individual activity for higher level courses such as Pre-AP and AP Biology or Medical Microbiology. Objectives During this activity, students will (1) graph

Chromosome Analysis Activity

Chromosome Analysis: Banding Patterns and Structural Aberrations David F. Holland, M.S., The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Purpose Students will use ideograms of chromosomes from four primates (human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan) to investigate differences in banding patterns between the species. From this information they will determine which types of chromosomal aberrations (deletions, translocations, etc.) may have taken place to give rise to these

UTSW Graduate School Catalog: Clinical Psychology

1002 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 5 C L I N I C A L P S Y C H O L O G Y CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY ■ C H A I R , G R A D U A T E P R O G R A M Betsy D. Kennard, Psy.D. ■ D E G R E E O F F E R E D Doctor of Philosophy FACULTY ■ P R O F E S S O R S Perrie M. Adams Ph.D., Florida State University, 1970 Bryon Adinoff M.D., Michigan State University, 1979 Ira Bernstein Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1963 Richard W. Briggs Ph.D., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1978 Raul Caetano M.D., State

Microsoft Word - Information%20Form%20for%20Affiliation%20Agreements.docx

Information  Form  for  Affiliation  Agreements   Please  complete  the  following  information  for  your  institution  and  send  to   Our  Contracts  Management  Office  must  have  this  information  before  they  will  begin  reviewing  the   Affiliation  Agreement.         PART  I   1. NAME  OF  OTHER  INSTITUTION:     2. ACCREDITING  INFORMATION  OF  YOUR

Summer Research Program for Students 2019

Students who took part in the STARS Summer Research program at UT Southwestern in 2019.

Summer Research Program for Students 2018

Students who took part in the STARS Summer Research Program at UT Southwestern in 2018.


Block Dates for 2024-2025 Academic Year MS4 Blocks: Block Start Date End Date Blocks open for registration Block 1* 7/1/2024 7/26/2024 Block 2* 7/29/2024 8/23/2024 Block 3 8/26/2024 9/20/2024 Block 4 9/23/2024 10/18/2024 Block 5 10/21/2024 11/15/2024 Block 6 11/18/2024 12/13/2024 Block 7 1/6/2025 1/31/2025 Block 8 2/3/2025 2/28/2025 Block 9 3/3/2025 3/28/2025 Block 10 4/14/2025 5/9/2025 Block 11^ 5/12/2025 6/6/2025 Block 12 6/9/2025 7/4/2025 Application Timeline

Fat Determination Activity

1 Determination of Body Fat Using Imaging Techniques David Holland, M.S., STARS Program, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Purpose In this activity, students will investigate how images produced by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to estimate an individual’s body fat content. This activity would be appropriate for use in courses in anatomy and physiology, biology, and health and would be appropriate for an interdisciplinary

Osmosis Demo Lab

Osmosis Demonstration Lab Objectives The student will: 1) Observe the effects of different concentrations of salt solutions on potato cores. 2) Infer the relationship between weight loss and rate of osmosis. 3) Use a line graph to display data and draw conclusions. 4) Observe plasmolysis in Elodea. Background Osmosis is the process whereby water moves across a cell membrane by diffusion. Diffusion takes place when the molecules of a substance tend to move from areas of higher concentration

Weight Regulation Activity

Homeostasis and Mechanisms of Weight Regulation Purpose In this activity students will investigate how negative feedback mechanisms function to maintain homeostatic balance using a recently discovered system involved in body weight regulation as a model. This activity would be most appropriate for use in courses in anatomy and physiology or AP Biology. Objectives By the end of this activity the student should be able to 1) Describe the main components of a negative feedback system. 2