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Donation Form Walk for Vets - UT Southwestern Medical Center

Alumni & Donor Login MyProfile Home Research Education & Training Patient Care Faculty Departments & Centers Newsroom Careers About Us Alumni & Giving Sections MyProfile Alumni Stories Get Involved GIVE Endowments Planned Giving Events Donate Now - Col. Bill Davis Research Fund on Gulf War Illness Since 1994 the mission of Dr. Robert Haley's research on Gulf War Illness has been to bring the best approaches of modern medical science to bear on the neurologic illness affecting U.S. veterans of

Progress on the UT Southwestern School of Public Health: From the President's Desk

Progress on the UT Southwestern School of Public Health August 16, 2021 To the UT Southwestern community: We are pleased to write to you today about an important new institutional initiative – formation of a UT Southwestern School of Public Health. This will be our first new school in more than 50 years and fourth school overall. Our region, state and country are facing many longstanding public health challenges, including high rates of many common chronic illnesses, disparities

Publications: TMIP, Radiology Research, UT Southwestern

Find the latest publications from the TMIP.

In Memoriam - Peter O'Donnell Jr: From the President's Desk

In Memoriam: Peter O’Donnell Jr. October 11, 2021 To the UT Southwestern community: It is with profound sadness that we have learned of the passing of Peter O’Donnell Jr., whose vision, legendary generosity, and cherished friendship graced UT Southwestern Medical Center for many decades. Throughout a lifetime of inspired philanthropy, Mr. O’Donnell and his late wife, Edith, along with the O’Donnell Foundation they established in 1957, contributed more than $300 million to UT

Dr. Evans Answers Your Mammography Questions

Dr. Evans Answers Your Mammography Questions in a Facebook Live Chat.


1 Students are often understandably short on funds but choosing health insurance coverage with high deductibles and narrow networks is not where to cut costs THE UT SOUTHWESTERN STUDENT'S GUIDE TO HEALTH INSURANCE UT System Board of Regents require all students at a UT System health-related institution maintain valid major medical health insurance coverage while enrolled. This coverage may be with the UT System-sponsored plan or from another provider. ACADEMIC

New Faculty Research Forum 2013-2014

1 : 0 0 - 4 : 3 0 P. M . I N T RODUC T I ON 1 : 0 0 P. M . F E AT UR ED S P E A K E R S : September 12, 2013 T. BOONE PICKENS AUDITORIUM (NG3) ROOM 112 YUKARI TAKARAE, PH.D. Psychiatry Sensory Processing Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorders TODD ROBERTS, PH.D. Neuroscience Watching the Brain Learn from Experience KENNETH WESTOVER, M.D., PH.D. Radiation Oncology Irreversible Targeted Inhibitors for Oncology HAO ZHU, M.D. Children's Medical Center Research Institute at UTSW Injury and

Campaign for the Brain Successfully Accomplished: From the President's Desk

Campaign for the Brain Successfully Accomplished Feb. 15, 2022 To the UT Southwestern community: I am pleased to announce that we have successfully completed our five-year, $1 billion Campaign for the Brain to fuel our commitment to advance brain research and clinical care through the Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute. The campaign yielded in excess of $500 million in community philanthropic support for research, technology enhancements, and faculty recruitment and support, combined

New Faculty Research Forum 2006-2007

1 : 0 0 - 4 : 3 0 P. M . I N T RODUC T I ON 1 : 0 0 P. M . F E ATURED S P E A K E R S : B E A T R I Z F O N TO U R A , P H . D . Cel l Bio logy Nuclear Transpor t Factors : f rom Vira l Pathogenes is to Cel l Div is ion C H I N - R A N G Y A N G , P H . D . Simmons Comprehens ive Cancer Center A Non- l inear Robust Sys tem of Bio log ica l Networking C H R I S T O P H E R C OWA N , P H . D . Psychiat ry Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Connect iv i ty H A N Z H A N G L

UT Southwestern Medical School Enrollment Checklist - Class of 2029

Next Steps: Enrollment Checklist – Version Date 10-17-24 Enrollment Checklist Due Date Have Questions? START NOW 1. Submit FAFSA, It’s not too late! (Recommended) It is very important to file your FAFSA as soon as possible (it opened on December 1, 2024). The earlier you file your FAFSA, the better chance you have of being considered for all types of