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Gulf War Illness: Phase IV Research: Bibliography - UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

Bibliography for Phase IV research on Gulf War illness by the Division of Epidemiology at UT Southwestern

Gulf War Illness: Phase II Research: Bibliography - UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

Bibliography for Phase II research on Gulf War illness by the Division of Epidemiology at UT Southwestern

Proteins and Enzymes

Introduction to Proteins and Enzymes • Basics of protein structure and composition • The life of a protein • Enzymes – Theory of enzyme function – Not all enzymes are proteins / not all proteins are enzymes – Enzyme REGULATION • Setting up an enzyme assay – Buffer, cofactors, substrate, enzyme Why are Proteins Important? • Major class of catalysts in the cells; responsible for metabolism • Proteins interconvert energy • Proteins permit selective import and export of molecules from

Microsoft PowerPoint - Gao_STARS_2009 [Compatibility Mode

1 Cancer Cancer NanomedicineNanomedicine JinmingJinming GaoGao, Ph.D., Ph.D. Department of PharmacologyDepartment of Pharmacology Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer CenterHarold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center UT Southwestern Medical CenterUT Southwestern Medical Center Departments of Chemistry and BioengineeringDepartments of Chemistry and Bioengineering UT DallasUT Dallas 12,75612,756 kmkm NanomedicineNanomedicine in in PerspectivePerspective Mother EarthMother Earth 25.4


Renal Structure and Function

Renal Structure and Function Sodium Transport Orson W. Moe, M.D. Department of Internal Medicine Division of Nephrology UTSouthwestern STARS Program organism world Maintain constancy Composition Quantity Afferent Sensor Efferent Effector Physiologic parameter Disease Excretion Endocrine Metabolism Renal Function Good stuff Bad stuff Endocrine hormone Metabolic substrate Gross anatomy Medulla (Pyramids) Capsule Medullary rays Cortex Major calyx Minor calyx Renal

Michael Bennett presents

STEM CELL CLUB October 18, 2001 12:00 Noon Y6.228 Conference Room STEM CELLS, NK CELLS, and FRIEND VIRUS LEUKEMIA Michael Bennett, Department of Pathology Stem Cells: Gustavo Cudkowicz, Don Metcalf, Roger Foster, and Vinay Kumar Friend Virus: Gustavo Cudkowicz, Richard Steeves, Bob Eckner, Ed Mirand, and Vinay Kumar NK Cells: Vinay Kumar, Dorothy Yuan, Wayne Lai, PA Mathew, and John Schatzle, (faculty) Differentiation: Edwardo Luevano, John Hackett, Michelle Tutt, Tom Moore, Igor

PowerPoint Presentation

Overview of Gastrointestinal Function George N. DeMartino, Ph.D. Department of Physiology University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, TX 75390 The gastrointestinal system Functions of the gastrointestinal system • Digestion • Absorption • Secretion • Motility • Immune surveillance and tolerance GI-OP-13 Histology of the GI tract Blood or Serosal Side Lumenal or Mucosal Side Structure of a villus Villus Lamina propria X X X X X Lumen

Protein Crystallization

Protein Structure Determination An Introduction Chad A. Brautigam, Ph.D. Structural Biology Laboratory UTSW Medical Center at Dallas What is “Protein Structure?” …Arg-Lys-Ala-Gln-Trp-Cys-His-Ala-Asp… What is “Protein Structure?” • It is the description of the three- dimensional architecture of a polypeptide. • Our aim: to know accurately and precisely the position of every atom in a protein. That’s usually between 2000 and 10,000 atoms! Wherefore Art Thou, Protein

How Neurons Communicate at Synapses - Dr. Jose Rizo-Rey - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

How Neurons Communicate at Synapses Jose Rizo-Rey White gives check mate in two moves Samuel Loyd 1859 So beautiful! Samuel Loyd 1859 OUR AMAZING BRAIN Neurons are the key cells that make the brain so unique (drawings by Santiago Ramon y Cajal)