Check out these tests – they may save your life: Title: 2017 Annual Review: Newsroom – UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
Five simple medical tests are better indicators of who will develop heart disease than the standard strategies focused on blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking history, according to conclusions from a UT Southwestern study published last year from the journal Circulation.
Potential treatment for fatal, incurable kidney disease being developed: 2017 Annual Review: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
Dr. Vishal Patel, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern, hopes to one day change the grim prognosis of polycystic kidney disease.
The future of depression treatment – in a drop of blood: 2017 Annual Review: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
A groundbreaking advance from UT Southwestern uses a blood drop of blood to determine a faster, more personalized path to effective treatment for depression.
UTSW leads groundbreaking effort to monitor youth concussions: 2017 Annual Review: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
UT Southwestern is leading a statewide effort to monitor youth concussions.
UT Southwestern designated Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Center of Excellence: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

UT Southwestern Medical Center has been certified a Center of Excellence by the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association (HCMA) - one of less than 30 Centers of Excellence nationwide and the first certified center in North Texas.
Poor fitness linked to weaker brain fiber, higher dementia risk: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Scientists have more evidence that exercise improves brain health and could be a lifesaving ingredient that prevents Alzheimer's disease.
Following treatment guidelines more important than volume for assessing heart failure care: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Looking at how well hospitals adhere to treatment guidelines for heart failure is more important than comparing patient volumes at hospitals, new research shows.
Study: Sleeping sickness not just a sleeping disorder: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

An international study from the O’Donnell Brain Institute shows one of Africa’s most lethal diseases is actually a circadian rhythm disorder caused by the acceleration of biological clocks controlling a range of vital functions besides sleep.
Amid ADHD spike, doctors urge closer look at sleep issues: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Amid a steady rise in the number of children diagnosed with ADHD, debate is brewing whether the condition may be a sleep disorder.
Nurse helps mother find rare cancer treatment: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Sabrina Lindley had been working as a nurse trainee at UT Southwestern for only four months when she got the news. Her mother, Deborah Sexauer, was battling for her life – again.