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Aging in place? Factors to consider when deciding whether it’s safe to continue living at home : Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Four out of five Americans 65 and older want to stay in their homes as they age, according to a recent Associated Press poll. But deciding how long an elderly relative should live alone and when they should move to an environment with more support – such as assisted living or a nursing home – can be

Radiofrequency ablation offers a nonsurgical treatment for thyroid nodules: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

When Vickie Bell-Percival was offered the opportunity to have a nodule on her thyroid treated with a new nonsurgical technique called radiofrequency ablation (RFA), she didn’t hesitate

Strict lineage tracing crucial to nerve cell regeneration research, study says: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

UT Southwestern stem cell scientists find that stringent lineage tracing is crucial for studies of nerve cell regeneration

UT Southwestern honored for Fulbright student involvement: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

UT Southwestern Medical Center is among the Top Producing Institutions of 2021-2022 Fulbright Students in the U.S., and one of the top producers of U.S. Fulbright students among 4-year, special-focus institutions

UT Southwestern genome engineering expertise spurs participation in prestigious nationwide Human Genome Project consortium: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

A genome engineering technique developed at UT Southwestern Medical Center helped make the institution a research partner in a new $185 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) initiative to build on findings of the Human Genome Project

Middle ear fluid common in kids on ventilators, UTSW study finds: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Babies and toddlers who need a tracheostomy – a tube surgically inserted into their windpipe to help relieve breathing problems – are at a high risk of accumulating fluid behind their eardrum when on a ventilator

Dallas researchers seeking senior participants for breathing study: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute on Aging recently approved funding for a 2022 study by the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine (IEEM

Biochemist Benjamin Tu honored with O’Donnell Award from TAMEST : Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Benjamin Tu, Ph.D., a professor of biochemistry at UT Southwestern whose basic science research into cellular function could lead to greater understanding of diseases including cancer, has been named a recipient of the 2021 Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award in Science, presented by The Academy of

More clinical studies needed for lactating women: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Most clinical studies exclude lactating women. That dynamic should change

Employees celebrating 30 years of service: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Meet the employees who are celebrating 30 years at UT Southwestern