HER3 gene mutations can worsen tumor growth in breast cancer, study suggests: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
Mutations in a gene related to HER2, a gene frequently implicated in breast cancers and a variety of other malignancies, can amplify activity that spurs tumor growth
Teens should be routinely screened for depression: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
We must educate parents about how to openly discuss the topic and provide pediatricians and primary care doctors with the training and tools they need to diagnose and treat mental illness
UT Southwestern researcher wins Breakthrough Prize for innate immunity discovery: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
UT Southwestern biochemist Dr. Zhijian “James” Chen today was named winner of the prestigious 2019 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences for his discovery of the cGAS enzyme that launches the body’s immune defense against infections and cancers
Rosen becomes UT Southwestern’s first Allen Distinguished Investigator: Newsroom, UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
Biophysicist Dr. Michael Rosen – whose research is at the forefront of work revealing the fundamental process of protein phase transitions within the cell – today became UT Southwestern’s first Allen Distinguished Investigator
UT Southwestern receives grant from the Amgen Foundation to host Amgen Scholars Program: Newsroom, UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
Through a $74M, 16-year investment, Amgen Scholars Program will partner with 24 top educational and research institutions worldwide
Clements University Hospital recognized for quality, safety achievement: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital has again received a national Rising Star Award for improved quality and safety efforts, ranking it within the country’s top 25 academic medical center hospitals
Diversity panel addresses prejudices in medicine: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
In celebration of Black History Month, African-American faculty, residents, and a fellow shared their stories and insights about how race influences their work in medicine as part of a panel hosted by the Student National Medical Association
Researchers find potential new way to target lethal form of leukemia: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
A potential treatment for acute myeloid leukemia, or AML, attacks a harmful molecule found on the cancerous cells and reactivates the body’s white blood cells to fight them
New mom: I have to live for my son
Meredith Greenstreet's son was not quite a year old when she learned she had an aggressive form of lymphoma
The University of Texas System Activates New North Texas Medical Benefit Option in Partnership with Southwestern Health Resources: Newsroom, UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
The University of Texas System collaborated with Southwestern Health Resources to launch a new medical plan for its employees and retirees in North Texas – including those of UT Southwestern Medical Center, UT Arlington, and UT Dallas