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Results 201-210 of 1,247 for ""

UT Southwestern cancer researchers uncover antitumor mechanisms to help improve radiation therapy: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

An international team of cancer researchers has identified important mechanisms that activate antitumor immune response during radiation therapy

Breaking it down: How cells degrade unwanted microRNAs : Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

UT Southwestern researchers have discovered a mechanism that cells use to degrade microRNAs (miRNAs), genetic molecules that regulate the amounts of proteins in cells

Same difference: Predicting divergent paths of genetically identical cells: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

A set of biomarkers not traditionally associated with cell fate can accurately predict how genetically identical cells behave differently under stress, according to a UT Southwestern study

Implanted memories teach birds a song: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX

A new songbird study that shows memories can be implanted in the brain to teach vocalizations – without any lessons from the parent

How cancer cells stiff-arm normal environmental cues to consume energy: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

UT Southwestern researchers have uncovered how cells in general modulate their energy consumption based on their surroundings

UTSW researchers identify new gene involved in breast cancer growth: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

A team of UT Southwestern researchers has identified a gene involved in the growth of breast cancer, a finding that could lead to potential new targets for treatment

How Legionella makes itself at home : Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Scientists at UT Southwestern have discovered a key protein that helps the bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease to set up house in the cells of humans and other hosts

Enzyme could be major driver of preeclampsia: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

A new study by UT Southwestern scientists indicates that an enzyme called protein phosphatase 2 (PP2A) appears to be a major driver of preeclampsia, a dangerous pregnancy complication characterized by the development of high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine

Riding the wave to memory-forming genetics : Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

UT Southwestern scientists have identified key genes involved in brain waves that are pivotal for encoding memories

Viewing dopamine receptors in their native habitat: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Dopamine, a chemical that sends messages between different parts of the brain and body, plays a key role in a variety of diseases and behaviors by interacting with receptors on cells