Green Champions - West Campus - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
The University of Texas Southwestern is committed to improving the environmental health of the community by improving our environmental practices, including increasing our recycling and reducing our waste. The success of these programs relies heavily on the role of departmental liaisons – Green
Renal Fellowship Lecture Series | Swati Lederer. M.D. - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
Board Review: Secondary HTN, Dysnatremia, Dyskalemia Speaker: Swati Lederer, M.D. Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology Associate Program Director of Nephrology Fellowship VA North Texas Health Care System, powered by Localist, the Community Event Platform
RNA Epigenetics, - the m6A Epitranscriptome in Cancer - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
Seminars in Molecular Biology Please join us for a Virtual Molecular Biology Seminar hosted by Ping Mu, Ph.D. Topic “RNA Epigenetics, - the m6A Epitranscriptome in Cancer” Speaker Hansen He, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Medical Biophysics University of Toronto, powered by Localist, the
Hematology/Hematopathology Grand Rounds - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Speaker: Kavi Patel, M.D., Hematology/Oncology Fellow, powered by Localist, the Community Event Platform
Dissertation Defense - Bethany Smith, Ph.D. Candidate - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
Bethany Smith, Ph.D. Candidate Genetics, Development & Disease Graduate Program Dissertation Title: “The Role of PROTOCADHERIN 7 in Lung Adenocarcinoma” Mentor: Kathryn O’Donnell, Ph.D., powered by Localist, the Community Event Platform
Pathology Seminar Series - Dr. Matthew L. Freedman - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
Pathology Seminar Series 2021-2022 Speaker: Dr. Matthew L. Freedman Associate Professor - Medicine Harvard Medical School Host: Dr. Ram Mani, powered by Localist, the Community Event Platform
Neurology Grand Rounds - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
"Eat, Drink and Be Numb" presented by Dr. Eva Feldman, M.D., Ph.D, Russell N. DeJong, Professor University of Michigan Medical School, powered by Localist, the Community Event Platform
Oksana Hamidi, D.O. | Internal Medicine Grand Rounds - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
Mild Autonomous Cortisol Secretion: Unsafe at Any Level? Speaker: Oksana Hamidi, D.O. Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Division of Endocrinology CME Credit: 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit, powered by Localist, the Community Event Platform
Thriving in a Multigenerational and Multicultural Workplace - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
This training will be facilitated by the Office of Institutional Equity & Access’ Division of Diversity & Inclusion on January 12, 2023 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Course Description The US workplace climate and culture have seen a rapid evolution in the last few decades. The presence of 5 generations
Ted E. Warkentin, MD | Pamela Hearn Isom Lecture Series - UT Southwestern Events Calendar
Platelet-activating anti-PF4 disorders Speaker: Ted E. Warkentin, MD, BSc (Med), FRCP©, FACP Professor, Pathology and Molecular Medicine McMaster University Hosted by the Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine This presentation will be streamed via Zoom., powered by