PRO makes a house a home: The goal of PRO is to make the residency program feel like home by building community and camaraderie. PRO is made up of various committees and task forces; learn about each one below!
PRO president and reps: Coordinate with committees and the administration to create events that bring residents together!
Resident initiative for solidarity and engagement: Advocate for and support diverse perspectives within the program and in the community through education, discussion, and outreach
LGBTQI+: Enhance awareness of the unique psychiatric needs of LGBTOI+ ndividuals through didactics, patient care, mentorship, and recruitment
Wellness: Promote physical and emotional wellness and advocate for work/ life balance within the program
Organized psychiatry: Connect residents with local and state societies for psychiatrists to promote education, advocacy, and networking
Mentorship: Facilitate connections between residents and faculty to provide career guidance and support during residency and beyond
Bad outcomes: Provide support to residents who experience adverse clinical outcomes and facilitate discussion and reflection