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Employees celebrating milestone anniversaries share highlights of working at UT Southwestern

Daniel K. Podolsky, M.D., President of UT Southwestern, hosted a June 12 luncheon to honor employees with 50, 40, 35, and 30 years of service and to welcome new members of the Quarter Century Club.

On June 12, UT Southwestern welcomed 59 employees into the Quarter Century Club, meaning they have reached a career milestone of 25 years of service. At the annual event, 44 other colleagues who have achieved 30, 35, 40, or 50 years of service were also honored.

Bernadine Wafford, a Health Unit Coordinator in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital, was recognized for 50 years of service. Mrs. Wafford was described by her work colleagues as the heart and brains of the unit. “I get a joy of serving people and just being a part of someone else’s life,” she said “I just love working at UT Southwestern.” Albert Garner, a Software System Specialist II, was recognized for 35 years of service. “I kept growing, and as long as you keep growing and you keep achieving and you have direction set on where you’re going, then that kept me here 35 years,” Mr. Garner said. The two were among employees interviewed in this video about what has kept them devoted to working at UTSW.

Read: In celebration of service: UT Southwestern’s longtime employees mark milestone anniversaries.

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