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Hasty recruited for Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean role

Leader in field of immunometabolism to oversee faculty affairs and career development efforts starting Aug. 1

Smiling woman with curly blond hair in a blue banner with copy - Alyssa H. Hasty, Ph.D., Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Career Development

“I have always loved thinking about what is new and unknown,” said Alyssa H. Hasty, Ph.D., who joins UT Southwestern on Aug. 1 as Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Career Development.

As a teenager, an interest in math and science evolved into a passion for basic science research. “Designing experiments, answering scientific questions, and being the first person to know the results drove me as a scientist,” she said.

Her hunger to discover led her to earn a Ph.D. in pathology from Vanderbilt University and to her recognition as a leader in the field of immunometabolism, determining the role of the immune system in obesity-accelerated diseases such as cardiometabolic disease and cancer.

Dr. Hasty, who also will hold the George A. and Nancy P. Shutt Professorship in Medical Science, plans to apply the same curiosity that inspired her as a researcher to her new role as an administrator at UTSW. Her background includes three decades of experience in science, education, and administration.

“The proven leadership record Dr. Hasty brings and demonstrated skills enhancing faculty recruitment, development, promotion, and wellness will help further position UT Southwestern as a place where faculty members can thrive professionally and personally,” said W. P. Andrew Lee, M.D., Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Provost, and Dean of UT Southwestern Medical School.

“I relish applying the skills I have honed as a research scientist for the past 30 years to this leadership role – identifying needs, discovering approaches taken by others, implementing new programs, evaluating results, and educating others about best practices,” she said. “In the same way that in basic research you look for gaps in knowledge, I want to discover whether any resources are missing for our faculty members and then work with my team to fill those gaps.”

At UTSW, she also wants to amplify rewards and recognition initiatives for faculty and students to establish an environment conducive for achieving professional goals.

“Throughout my career I have focused on personal growth and excellence as a scientist, mentor, and leader,” Dr. Hasty said. “I enjoy connecting people to resources that promote their professional development – and if such resources are not available, creating them.”

Along her own career path, Dr. Hasty eagerly sought growth opportunities. After earning a Ph.D., she pursued postdoctoral fellowships at Tokyo and Vanderbilt Universities. In 2001, she joined the Vanderbilt faculty in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and in 2003 accepted a tenure track faculty position in the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics. She also was a Research Health Scientist at the VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System.

In 2017, Dr. Hasty was named Associate Dean for Faculty in the Basic Sciences at Vanderbilt and in 2023 she became Senior Associate Dean, a position that involved recruiting new faculty members, overseeing appointments and promotions, nominating faculty for awards, as well as creating and implementing programs to promote professional development. She led efforts at Vanderbilt’s School of Medicine to revise the criteria for promotion for tenure, research, and educator track faculty. Under her direction, an annual evaluation for nontenure track faculty was established, leading to a doubling of annual promotions for faculty on these tracks.

Dr. Hasty said she looks forward to joining the UT Southwestern community, enhancing the culture and commitment to excellence, and helping faculty and learners fulfill their ambitions.

“I am coming into the role as Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean with a passion for this work,” she said. “I would like for all faculty to feel supported by our office. I am personally driven by the same core values as UTSW – excellence, innovation, teamwork, and compassion!”

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