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John Pillow: 25 years

Man with brown hair, wearing a dark suit over a white dress shirt and gray striped tie.
John Pillow

Information Resources Manager
Infrastructure Services

First UTSW job: Field Technician for Telecommunications.

Best part about my job: Helping employees who have hearing impairments with assistive devices. It’s really inspiring to see their reactions when they find a headset or video relay service that allows them to improve their communication and better serve our patients and guests.

How co-workers describe me: Positive. However, I’m sure they’d all agree that it’s my leadership skills they hear about the most.

Hobbies: Spending time with my wife of over 30 years and our adult children. My daughter and I enjoy skateboarding on weekends. My son and I make time to visit local restaurants serving the German food we love.

Surprising fact: I play guitar and have a collection of over 20 guitars.

Claim to fame: I’ve played with bands for audiences of 100 to 10,000. For the past decade, it’s been local praise and worship groups, but I played with rock and country groups for many years.

Final note: I have always felt a sense of pride in my work at UTSW, and I enjoy telling others about the positive experiences I have had here. The University has a great reputation. I’ve talked to many people who speak highly of their own patient experience, or who know of someone in their life who had an excellent outcome from the care they received here.

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