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Cindy Madrid: 30 years

Smiling woman with long dark hair, wearing a blue shirt printed with the UT Southwestern Medical Center logo.
Cindy Madrid

Clinical Staff Assistant III
Department of Dermatology

First UTSW job: Front Desk Assistant in Dermatology in 1993.

Best part about my job: Our patients. We have patients who have been with Dermatology the whole time or most of the time I have been here. I love the connections I have made with many of our patients. I love meeting, taking care of, and helping our patients in any way I can.

How co-workers describe me: Dependable and friendly, because they all know they can count on me and that I am always willing to help, be there when needed, and try to never say no.

Best UTSW memory: I have made so many memories and have had lots of laughs with all my co-workers and faculty in Dermatology. I have made lifelong friends whom I call family.

Hobbies: I love spending time with my family.

Final note: I am very proud to work here at UT Southwestern and to be part of such a world-renowned institution. I’m so proud when I see billboards or commercials and know that I work here.

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