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Deborah Hogg, M.B.A.: 25 years

Smiling woman with long brown highlighted hair, wearing a teal blouse.
Deborah Hogg

Manager, High Fidelity and Procedural Simulation
Simulation Center

First UTSW job: Research Technician

Best part about my job: The interactions with people from all different professional backgrounds and expertise. This diversity not only makes work interesting, but also adds some enjoyment and fun to my daily routine. Embracing these interactions has led to meaningful relationships, both professional and personal.

Most unusual UTSW memory: Years ago, near the old Parkland Memorial Hospital, I inadvertently found myself walking through a SWAT team training session. I was on the phone with my boss and actually yelled at him – before realizing that all the “guns” around me were hot pink.

Final note: I have many personal connections to UTSW. I met my husband here, and we’ll be celebrating our 22nd anniversary this summer. Both my sons were born at the former St. Paul University Hospital. My father received cancer and palliative care at UTSW as well. These experiences speak to not only the excellence of the medical care we provide, but also to the supportive, caring community we have here.

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