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Ben Eckert: 25 years

Smiling man with trim gray hair, mustache and beard, wearing a dark suit over a blue shirt and striped tie.
Ben Eckert

Gene Therapy Program Manager
Department of Pediatrics

First UTSW job: I was hired by Perrin White, M.D., to be the Division Administrator for Pediatric Endocrinology. He told me the only reason he selected me to interview was to find out why in the world someone with a degree in foreign service was applying.

Best part about my job: When it all comes together: determined scientists, training the next generation, working with committed providers, trying to give hope to desperate parents of a sick child. That’s also the worst thing about the job.

How co-workers describe me: Probably that I’m quiet and I can’t say no when someone needs help.

Best UTSW memory: I met the woman who would become my wife, we were married in the Faculty Club, and we had our son at William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital. We’re all UT Southwestern.

I’m really good at:I love to help someone achieve their creative vision. I helped to create the Academic Colleges and to lay the groundwork for what became the Dell Medical School. Hopefully I can add a Center for Gene Therapy to that list.

Hobbies: Family and church.

Claim to fame: The late UTSW Nobel Laureate Al Gilman, M.D., Ph.D., gave the father-of-the-bride speech at my wedding.

Final note: Nothing done right is small.

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