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Tina Chen, M.S., MLS, ASCP: 30 years

Smiling woman with dark hair, wearing dark-rimmed glasses.
Tina Chen

Medical Laboratory Scientist
Clinical Laboratory Services

First UTSW job: In 1993, I began my career as a Research Associate in the lab of Gail Tomlinson, M.D., Ph.D., at the Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology Research. My duties encompassed working with primary tissues, cell cultures, DNA extraction, and genome sequencing.

Best part about my job: Fueled by my passion for direct involvement with oncology patients, in 2009 I transitioned to my current position, conducting tests crucial for doctors to determine treatments for oncology patients. Witnessing patients heal has been the most rewarding aspect of my work.

Hobbies: In my leisure time, I find joy in outdoor activities and traveling.

Surprising fact: I arrived in the United States 35 years ago with the goal of pursuing graduate school and realizing my American dream upon completion. UTSW swiftly became the gateway to my aspirations.

Final note: Like any profession, my journey at UTSW has been marked by both challenges and triumphs. However, I wouldn’t exchange these experiences for anything else. The institution boasts a supportive staff and a wealth of opportunities for career advancement. I am profoundly thankful for the opportunities that UT Southwestern has afforded me.

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