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Isela Edna Perez: 25 years

Isela Edna Perez
Isela Edna Perez

Senior Education Coordinator
Department of Physician Assistant Studies 

First UTSW job: Administration Assistant in Physician Assistant (PA) Studies. 

Best part about my job: Getting to know our PA students.

How co-workers describe me: Loyal and hardworking.

Recipe for success: Attention to detail.

Funniest UTSW memory: All the times I screamed because of a fake roach that our former Chair would hide around the office, especially the time he put it in a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Claim to fame: My scary Halloween costumes.

Surprising fact: All my 25 years at UTSW have been with the same Department, Physician Assistant Studies.

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