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Cindy Jozefiak: 25 years

Cindy Jozefiak
Cindy Jozefiak

Senior Division Operations Administrator
Department of Internal Medicine

First UTSW job: Administrative Assistant in Management Development and Training. 

Best part about my job: I like the variety of functions that I perform as well as the mentoring and coaching aspect of my role.

What energizes me at work: I love my job, and I pride myself on being the best that I can be.

How co-workers describe me: Honest, witty, demanding, and fair.

Recipe for success: My organizational skills and common sense. I like to streamline processes when possible, and being organized helps me do that.

Most unusual UTSW memory: I was involved in the implementation of the Human Resources Management System during the Office Administration System days by entering all the paper change funding forms into the system. I was also involved in the move of HR from the B Building to Exchange Park.

I wish I were an instant expert at: I would like to be great at singing.

I’m really good at: Organizing. My daughters say that I should do it professionally.

Hobbies: I make my own greeting and Christmas cards and enjoy DIY decorating projects.

Surprising fact: As a child, I was in a commercial for a line of Texas Instruments board games.

Final note: I have been blessed to work with some amazing people over the years, and I've made friendships that will last beyond UTSW.

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