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Robert Feltis: 25 years

Chief Anesthesia Technician
Department of Surgery

First UTSW job: Anesthesia Technician.

Best part about my job: Helping to train new staff, technicians, and anesthesia residents coming through the program.

What energizes me at work: Seeing people learn and then observing that they later teach others the same way I taught them.

How co-workers describe me: Someone who loves to teach and is reliable.

Recipe for success: Being on time. I get here two hours before my shift. I have always done this.

Best UTSW memories: Working with a lot of friends from the early days and helping to start heart and lung transplants in 1988-89.

I’m really good at: Reassuring patients as they go off to sleep for surgery. 

Hobby: Ham radio emergency communication.

Surprising fact: I have been an anesthesia technician for 37 years. I also was a volunteer firefighter/paramedic for 17 years.

Final note: Always try to make UT Southwestern a great place to work, and then it will not feel like a job.

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