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Ranjit K. Deka, Ph.D.: 25 years

Ranjit K. Deka, Ph.D.
Ranjit K. Deka, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist
Department of Microbiology

First UTSW job: Research Associate. 

Best part about my job: Collaborative work and oversight of a research project funded by the National Institutes of Health for more than 20 years. I have enjoyed the freedom to plan and implement experiments as well as pursue new avenues of investigation.

What energizes me at work: Discovering/finding new biology that addresses practical problems and may lead to practical applications. In addition, I enjoy the academic freedom in choosing the emphasis and direction of a project.

How co-workers describe me: “Early bird.” I typically am the first one to arrive at work in the morning. This allows me to maximize space and equipment utilization.

Recipe for success: I consider myself a rational, meticulous thinker and planner. I get much satisfaction when serving as a research collaborator; I enjoy building a team, solving problems, and helping others.

Best UTSW memory: Growing and harvesting live treponemal bacteria (the causative agent of human syphilis) from rabbit testicles.

I wish I were an instant expert at: Dancing, to relax and spend quality time with friends and family.

I’m really good at: Heart-healthy cooking (including authentic Indian food, especially tandoori chicken).

Hobbies: Nature watching, photography, and gardening.

Surprising fact: I enjoy playing loud music; it helps me to concentrate and accomplish tasks.

Final note: UTSW’s supportive environment allowed me to maximize my research potential. As a result, I have become a confident Senior Research Scientist.


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