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Gloria N. Daniel: 30 years

Gloria N. Daniel
Gloria N. Daniel

Senior Administrative Assistant
Department of Pathology

First UTSW job: Senior Clerk Typist.

Best part about my job: The job is very diverse; I get to experience the academic spectrum as well as a small portion of the clinical work.

What energizes me at work: Learning new things. It gives me a sense of growth.

How co-workers describe me: A team player and loyal. They know they can depend on me taking responsibility for my workload and that I will help them in any way I can.

Recipe for success: A strong work ethic that motivates me to accomplish my goals, along with patience, integrity, discipline, and a willingness to learn.

Best UTSW memory: All of my favorite memories have been with my co-workers and faculty. It has been a joy to come to work and interact with them. I’ve made lifelong friends at work and shared too many laughs to count.

I’m really good at: Encouraging others.

Passion: Studying and reading my Bible, which gives me courage when I feel low in spirit and peace of mind when the storms of life rage. My church inspires me and gives me strength when I am weak.

Surprising fact: I’m a huge fan of Korean dramas.

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