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Program coordinator inspires culture of camaraderie and community

Woman with long brown hair, wearing black and white patterned shirt. Patty Ashworth, 35 years employee recognition.

Patty Ashworth is a problem solver who loves a good challenge – a quality she says has benefited her greatly during her 35 years at UT Southwestern.

In 2022, she began a new role in the Center for Human Nutrition as Program Coordinator for the Nutrition Obesity Research Core. Ms. Ashworth is grateful to be able to use the extensive knowledge in grants, finance, and administration she has gained through previous positions at the Medical Center.

“When I started working at UT Southwestern in 1987 as an Accounting Clerk in Radiology, I never imagined it would turn into a rewarding career and that I would make lifelong friends along the way,” Ms. Ashworth says.

“Since then, I have worked in several departments, and each role provided me with valuable experience that prepared me for the next. I have learned so much from supervisors and peers. I strive to help and motivate others so that they may be encouraged to seek similar success in their careers at UT Southwestern,” she adds.

Ms. Ashworth enjoys assisting the faculty and staff to make the Center run efficiently and smoothly. In return, co-workers have come to deeply respect and appreciate her knowledge and dependability. In 2022, Ms. Ashworth learned she would receive the Donald W. Seldin Award for Distinguished Service by a classified employee. It was a moment she will always cherish.

“Last year, my Division in Internal Medicine was being rolled into another division. When I was scheduled to meet with my supervisor, I thought the meeting was to let me know that my position was going away due to this change. Instead, I was surprised to learn that I was the recipient of this distinguished award,” Ms. Ashworth says.

Family is important to her and her husband, John Michael. The couple care for their own mothers, who live with them. They also have two sons, Michael and Aaron.

Not surprisingly, the couple’s leisure activities revolve around family, church, and travel, and Ms. Ashworth enjoys creating photo books to capture their favorite memories and cruising adventures.

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