Becky Sheldon: 25 years
Administrative Coordinator
First UTSW job: Working as an Administrative Assistant in Dermatology-Mohs Surgery.
Best part of the job: The variety of tasks I get to perform and working with others in different departments. I’ve met a lot of great people and made lifetime friends.
How co-workers describe me: The “go-to” person. Having been here so long, I know how to get things done or whom I can contact to direct me on how to get something done.
Recipe for success: I’m organized, efficient, and able to multitask, which is something you have to be able to do in a place this big.
Hobby or passion: I enjoy being outdoors and watching football, baseball, golf, and tennis. I also take a NASCAR trip every year.
Final note: I’ve seen UT Southwestern grow a lot over the past 25 years and it’s been exciting and scary at the same time. We truly are the future of medicine today.