Sathe joins group to advance gastroenterology/cystic fibrosis training

Meghana Sathe, M.D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, has been invited to join the DIGEST faculty.
DIGEST, which stands for Developing Innovative Gastroenterology Specialty Training, is a program designed to address a need for pediatric and adult GI physicians with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal, pancreatic, and hepatic complications of cystic fibrosis (CF). Dr. Sathe joins a small group of international experts selected to serve as DIGEST faculty.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation established the DIGEST program in 2014 to provide additional CF-specific clinical training and research opportunities to pediatric and adult gastroenterologists.
“I was part of the inaugural class for the DIGEST program and have benefited tremendously from the opportunities provided to develop as a clinician in CF GI care and become a CF GI researcher,” Dr. Sathe said.
The program provides three years of salary support for early-career faculty involved in CF care, monthly instruction from experts in CF GI, and opportunities to write review papers, participate in the development of guidelines, and become involved in both local and multicenter clinical trials.