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WISMAC Accomplishments

Campus Safety

WISMAC remains actively involved in initiatives to improve campus safety. We are pleased that the North Campus is a locked-down facility after regular hours with access allowed by a University-issued identification badge. All buildings on South Campus are locked after regular business hours, on weekends, and on holidays. Card readers allow access at specific sites.

Career Development

Travel Awards for Students, Postdoctoral Trainees, and Faculty

Every year WISMAC provides travel awards of $700 each to two graduate students and postdoctoral trainees to attend scientific meetings.

Child Care

WISMAC actively gathered information and presented a report encouraging the administration to develop on-campus child care. We are pleased that the administration made child care a priority by entering into agreements with UT Dallas Callier Center and First Step Learning Centre to provide child care and education.

Facilities for Nursing Mothers

WISMAC requested space and established lactation rooms for UT Southwestern women.

Mentoring and Networking Program

This initiative is aimed at retaining female faculty. In 2003 we began recruiting senior female faculty to serve as mentors and we connected them with new female faculty. While mentoring and networking should be occurring routinely within each department, WISMAC's program is specifically intended to supplement this with sources of information and support from a woman outside the department. For information on this program, please email Carole Mendelson, Ph.D. at

Science Teacher Access to Resources at Southwestern

WISMAC collaborates annually with the Science Teacher Access to Resources at Southwestern (STARS) Program to present a symposium on careers in science and medicine to science teachers and their selected female middle and high school students. WISMAC and STARS have also recruited students to represent UT Southwestern Medical Center and sponsored a table at "Girls Night Out," a career event by the Alliance for Technology and Women.

Fall Female Faculty Reception

WISMAC has sponsored receptions and symposia on a variety of topics. Since 2004 these events have focused on career development. See information on our past and upcoming receptions here.

Visiting Professorship

Each year WISMAC selects and hosts an outstanding female scientist/physician to visit UT Southwestern for a two-day professorship. The Southwestern Medical Foundation sponsors this event, which promotes the accomplishments of women in science and medicine and provides inspiration to our junior faculty and trainees. Our visiting professor meets with individuals and with diverse groups on campus and presents the University Lecture.

Celebration of Women in Science and Medicine Poster Session

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of UT Southwestern and the 25th anniversary of WISMAC’s founding, WISMAC hosted its first poster session in conjunction with the 2018 Visiting Professorship. Graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, and junior faculty were encouraged to submit an abstract and present a poster. Over 100 abstracts were chosen to be presented after the Visiting Professorship University Lecture Series, and two were selected as the winners. Winners of the Poster Session were awarded $700 each to put toward their travels to scientific conferences.