Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender (sex). Sexual misconduct is a form of prohibited sex discrimination that includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, and domestic or dating violence. Sexual misconduct also includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is unprofessional and inappropriate for the working and learning environment.
All UT Southwestern employees, faculty, students, trainees, and applicants should carefully review UT Southwestern’s Title IX policy, EDU-151, and the following policies for more information. Please note, access to PolicyTech and its links are specific to campus IP addresses.
Title IX Policy
ETH-153 Title IX Sexual Harassment: Formal Grievance Policy
Relevant Policies For Employees
ETH-154 Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
ETH-151P-01 Equal Opportunity Complaint Investigation and Resolution Procedure
Relevant Policies For Students
EDU-151 Student Conduct and Discipline
EDU-151P-01 Procedures for Student Discipline